League Of Legends? Worthy Successor to DOTA?

05/20/2015 16:21

For all those of you that are acquainted with the True Time Approach like game, D.O.T.A (Defense in the Ancients) You may be excited to hear that there's a new game referred to as League Of Legends that has taken the idea of DOTA and totally remastered it. To become brief... Yes the game is far better... in nearly every single way.

Lets talk about a few of the new game play technologies that League of Legends (LOL for brief) has implemented. Certainly one of probably the most original tips that they had, that essentially requires an altogether new strategy on its personal is, the grass in LOL. Once you stroll by way of the grass you are invisible to all enemy targets which can be not within the grass. This is obviously large for initiating ganks, and avoiding them.

League of Legends can be a stand along game made by RIOT.. which can be made up of a great deal of precisely the same developers as DOTA. They have genuinely set the normal for this kind of game play, specifically with releasing a brand new character essentially each and every 3-4 weeks. For those that played DOTA, this was unheard of... one new character a year was a treat for us veteran DOTA players.

One more new element in League of legends is the summoner method. The way that this method functions, is that you're a summoner, and you can summon different champions to fight for you each and every game. As you play much more games and win a lot more games your summoner levels up and also you can raise your stats and purchase runes. The best portion about eloboost, is that it's Absolutely free, well kind of. The way it performs, is the fact that you may either grind out tons of points so as to get new champions, or you could pay for points and buy them quickly.
